How much will we withstand?
Being Christians, we are not like the world. And in not being like the world we are subject to many forms of persecution. In fact, we are told we will have tribulation in this world (John 16:33).
These tribulations and persecutions can take on a range of various forms consisting of different “sizes” of harshness. It could be something like people not associating with us or making fun of us. Perhaps, people will mock and ridicule us or try and cloud our judgement.
No doubt, with all of the persecution that goes on we may feel down sometimes, but we can never give up. What is in store for use after this world comes to an end is a far greater treasure that outweighs all tribulations that we go through in this life, making it more than worth the effort to stay on the straight and narrow path. We can see in Revelation how great a place we have to look forward to after this (Rev. 21:1-27).
With so much to look forward to we should be able to push through the tribulations and stay strong. So the question is asked: how much would we withstand? How many trials, tribulations, and persecutions will we push through to make it to heaven? Do we have a limit?
I would hope our answer would be that there is no limit for us. I would hope that we are willing to withstand it all if it is required.
What would be “it all”? Our lives could be that ultimate price. Would we be willing to pay that price?
Looking throughout the Bible we can see many examples of those who were willing to withstand it all; who were willing to give their lives for the Lord. There was Stephen (Acts 7:54-60), John the Baptist (Matt. 14:1-12), and Zechariah (2 Chronicles 24:15-22).
Each of these men are examples of people who said what needed saying and did what needed doing and were willing to do so even if they had to pay that price of there lives. And each of those men did end up giving up their lives. They were willing to withstand it all; are we?
-- John Thrower Jr.