True Faith Is Not Blind Faith
“ ‘The just live by faith’ (Rom. 1:17) for “without faith it is impossible to please [God]” (Heb. 11:6). So as Christians, we each have faith. We have faith in a greater power than ourselves; in an omnipotent being; in God. We have faith that what is written for us in the Bible is true.
And yet faith can be a difficult thing to explain to people. It can be hard to reason with those who do not believe and show them that faith, along with obedience, is necessary. This is because, to many, faith sounds illogical and unreasonable. Faith cannot be measured with length or weight, in meters or pounds. While acts of faith can be seen, faith itself cannot.
After all, faith is the blind following of something that can’t be proven, right? We are to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). This suggests that faith is really blind faith, doesn’t it?
Of course not! We, as Christians, do not blindly follow a belief in a tall tale. We do not act on a whim and worship an imaginary being. We do not believe in God just because.
As Christians, we know there is a God and have faith because it is in fact logical and reasonable to do so. Our faith is not a flimsy concoction; it is not blind. In fact, “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1)
In a way, faith comes about through having a real hope and by it - by having faith - we are proving that there is more than what can be seen. We are giving evidence that there is more than just the physical things around us.
It really is quite logical and real. It is as real as emotions such as love and sadness. Like faith, the actions that come from those emotions can be seen, but love and sadness can not actually be physically seen.
Even when it comes to physical things, there are things that cannot be seen. Take the air around us for example. We cannot see it with our naked eye, but it exists. I doubt many of the people of the world will look under a microscope and see for them selves the oxygen atoms that we breathe - yet they exist.
Just because we believe in something that we cannot see does not mean that we have blind faith. Through our faith we can see what our eyes cannot - we can see the truth that lies beyond the physical things.
-- John Thrower Jr.