How Would You Describe God?
It is impossible for us to know everything about God. He is so above and beyond what we can comprehend. While we cannot know everything about Him, we can still get a firm grasp on who He is. We can look around us and in the scriptures to get a glimpse at who God is and what His nature is like. So with what we know how would you describe God?
He is good. God is great, awesome, powerful. He is the Creator of all things. Perfect, all-knowing, loving, deserving of all praise, giver of physical blessings, are other words that could be used to describe Him.
As Christians we can describe Him in even more ways. He is our Father, giver of spiritual blessings, and sender of our Saviour.
These are just a few words and phrases that I have used to describe God, but there are many more. We can also look into the bible and see how others have described God.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1.
In this psalm we have David describing God as his light, salvation, and strength. He is also those things for us and “light”, “salvation”, and “strength” are indeed good words to describe God.
And the temple which I build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. 2 Chronicles 2:5. Here Solomon describes God as One greater than all gods. God is indeed great. He is greater than all else.
In Revelation 19:6, John writes that the multitudes of heaven describe God as the “Lord God Omnipotent”. […] “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!
For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29. Here the Hebrews writer describes God as a consuming fire. God is loving and just and will punish those who deserve it.
There are so many ways to describe God and it is a good exercise to try and come up with some ways to describe Him. Look around you in your everyday life. Look through the scriptures. Think on God and His nature. How would you describe God?
-- John Thrower Jr.