What Do You Have Coming To You?
What we do in this life affects what will come our way in the end. How we act and what we say and do will determine where we end up. Obeying God and following His Word will lead to heaven. Disobeying God and following the ways of the devil will lead to Hell. There are only two destinations after this life, for we can only serve one master (Matt. 6:24).
There are many examples that we find in the Bible showing people who followed God’s Word and examples of those who did not. In many of these examples we can see what happened to them in the end. We can see what they had coming to them.
In Judges 9 we read of a man named Abimelech. He wished to rule over Israel and killed 69 of his 70 brothers to get what he wanted. The only brother to survive was Jotham who had hidden himself, and who eventually fled from his brother.
Abimelech had murdered and gone against God’s will, but he had something bad coming to him. God sent a spirit of ill will and Abimelech was eventually killed. A woman dropped a millstone on his head, crushing his skull. For fear of men saying that Abimelech was killed by a woman, he had his armour bearer run him through.
In contrast, Jephthah in chapters 11 and 12 of Judges put faith and trust in God. Jephthah followed God’s Will and was able to defeat the people of Ammon and Ephraim. He then judged Israel for six years.
In Luke 16:19-31, we read of the rich man and Lazarus. Here we have another two examples of what people had coming to them. The rich man had not heeded Moses and the prophets and was found in torments in Hades. Meanwhile, Lazarus was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom where he was in comfort.
There are two states that we can be in, and each one will bring about a different ending. Peace and comfort comes to those who obey God’s commands and do His will. Pain and torment comes to those who side with Satan and disregard God’s Word.
What do you have coming to you?
-- John Thrower Jr.