God’s Mighty Power - His Control of Nature
We have a very powerful God who spoke the world into existence. He created all that we see around us. He created the flowers, the sky, the grass, the rivers, the clouds, the oceans, the soil - the list goes on and on. But as magnificent and marvellous as it is to see the beauty and splendour of His creations around us, we still cannot grasp the magnitude of His power - we cannot comprehend the “thunder of His power” (Job 26:14).
We can look around us and see the nature which God created, but we can also look in the Scriptures and see how He can manipulate it and use it for His will.
In Joshua 10, the five kings of the Amorites gathered together their armies to attack Gibeon, since they (the Gibeonites) had made peace with the children of Israel. Joshua came up with the children of Israel to battle the Amorites with the Lord’s help. The Israelites killed many, but we read in verse 11 of chapter 10 “that the Lord cast down large hailstones from heaven” onto the Amorites, killing more “than the children of Israel killed with the sword”. Through nature, God was able to kill more enemies than the children of Israel.
When Jonah attempted to run from the Lord and he departed on a ship, God “sent out a great wind on the sea” and created a great storm (Jonah 1:4). The storm God created was so great that the ship was about to break up. God is so powerful that He can easily create a storm, as well as quell it! In Jonah 1:15, when Jonah was thrown overboard, the sea was stopped - “the sea ceased from its raging”.
Similarly, we can look in the New Testament and sea God’s power over the winds and sea - God’s control over nature! In Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus was in a boat with His disciples. A great storm arose, and once Jesus rebuked the winds and sea, a great calm came about.
The power of the Lord is so awesome. We see it all around us and all throughout the Bible. Control over nature is just one of the amazing abilities that the One True God has.
“God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.” (Psa. 62:11).
-- John Thrower Jr.